
admin9609 has created 36 entries
  • Boat Animation 3D

    ” As you may know, my brother Laurent was a real scuba diving passionate since he lived in polynesia. he chose to live there, because it’s one of latest polluted sea.
    God knows that he was sensitive to the oceans protection … 25 years ago, some sailors threw their used sails to go faster. But Laurent accepted to finish with his boat overweight even when he was in head of a race!!
    As this collect is already a success, I would like to take up a sentence he often said: If you shocked, you’re a coward !!

    So let’s keep up the good works and let’s go to the end of this adventure with the sea cleaners.

    Thank you all for your belive, you’re amazing!!” Yvan Bourgnon
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  • Most of the international data on ocean plastic waste

    Most of the international data on ocean plastic waste available today came from a study conducted by the Canadian Jenna Jambeck in 2010.
    Dr Jambeck proposes an estimation of spills, by calculating the difference between the production of plastic waste by the coastal populations (the one living in less than 50 miles off the coast or near the rivers) and the amounts of waste managed by these same populations (Recycled, used or stored). The difference between these two figures is the missmanaged waste which is in a big part spills at sea as demonstrated by the Dr. Jambeck.

    It’s from this estimation that we can today tame this map of countries whose coastal populations produce more waste .

    Today, Patrick Fabre, our referent ” OcéaNOplasticien ” shows us with this map the amount of waste produced by those countries (192 of them), and their immediate consequence on the coastal sea areas (degraded).

    We see that the Southern East of Asia is the most generator of these ocean plastic waste.
    This is what we consider as priority area of action. It is here, where the concentration of solid waste (before their dispersion and reduction in the oceanic gyres) that our action will be the most pertinent and the more effective.
    But the map shows us also that other concentrated areas are identified, particularly in Africa or in the Mediterranean sea.
    This map really shows us how many areas where the manta can takes action, and how it’s important to act in the sea with several boats pending a longer term solution to act in the source of pollution.

  • 500 Kissbankers

    “10 days ago the sea cleaners had made the choice to work in silence…
    Today you are already 500 to be part of the adventure! The whole team is very proud to welcome you in this ambitious challenge.
    As you know I enjoy taking up big challenges . After 25 years of sports career, I had the chance to fulfil all my childhood dreams. Now, it’s time for me and my team to work for You, for your children and especially to show the good example…
    So get in on, There is no way to not go to the end of this adventure. The first manta will also be your boat!!
    Thank you for believing in it… your energy will carry us towards the success, that is for sure !! “

    Yvan Bourgnon

  • The target SeaCleaners

    After his world tour, Yvan has made an reviewed all the initiatives taken to protect the oceans.
    Governments and NGOs mostly target their actions on the education and industrial plastics dumping not only in the sea but also on land. Otherwise good deeds are also conducted for cleaning the rivers, marinas, around coasts but virtually nothing is done to collect the waste in the sea !! And here is why The Sea Cleaners is born !!
    If it is almost impossible to recover micro waste , there is still time to act on the macro ones and macro wastes dumping is not a declining phenomenon it is evaluated to be increasing for yet another 30 years .. The manta collect waste right at the source of contamination.
    Designing a yacht of 72 meters wide has been done a lot of time. Mastering the production of a multihull is now a well established science. We must therefore focus our efforts in the future to develop the collection system at the back of the boat.